Of the Australian investors surveyed, 37 per cent said Melbourne was their preferred market, up from 20 per cent last year and ahead of Sydney at 30 per cent, shows CBRE’s annual Australian Investors Intentions survey.
Melbourne’s strong economic fundamentals driving rental growth was part of the reason it overtook Sydney as the preferred destination for domestic capital, CBRE’s Ben Martin-Henry said.
CBRE的Ben Martin Henry 评论 墨尔本稳固的商业和经济基础使租金回报率节节高升。这也是为什么墨尔本取代了悉尼成为最受欢迎的投资原因。
While investors indicated that both buying and selling expectations were higher for 2019.“With 35 per cent of investors surveyed indicating that they plan on increasing their divestment activities and 32 per cent indicating they will be more acquisitive,” Martin-Henry said.